الكاتب الموضوع:   فيروس مونوبولي...جديد بتاريخ 9اغسطس
اروماتيك   كتب الموضوع   16-08-1999 05:09 AM   الملف الخاص للعضو  اروماتيك   أرسل بريد إلكتروني إلى  اروماتيك     
MONOPOLY.VBS WORM This new worm attaches the file "monopoly.vbs" to email, infecting the system when run. An image, monopoly.jpg, is copied to the temporary directory during infection. A dialog box follows infection, displaying the image and the text, " "Bill Gates is guilty of monopoly. Here is the proof. :-)" Much like Happy99.exe and Melissa, the worm attempts to send mail to users in the address book. It also attempts to send email to several other email addresses. Email sent by the worm includes information the Outlook address book, computer name, and other information from the local computer

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