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عبدالوهاب محمد عبدالوهاب محمد غير متصل    
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المشاركات: 46
seven simple ways to improve your health

I take this article from New Interchange book .

Eat breakfast.
Breakfast gives you energy for the morning.

Go for a walk:
Walking is good exercise and exercise is necessary for good health.

Drink eight cups of water everyday:
Water helps your body in many ways.

Stretch for five minutes:
Stretching is important for your muscles.

Do something to challenge your brain:
For example, do a crossword puzzle or read a new book.

Get enough calcium:
Your bones neeed it. Yogurt and milk have calcium. Or drink orange juice whith
Calcium added.

Floss your teeth:
Don`t just brush them. Flossing keeps your gums healthy

عبدالوهاب محمد غير متصل قديم 12-08-2004 , 02:41 AM    الرد مع إقتباس
وفوووية وفوووية غير متصل    
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المشاركات: 1,774

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

thanks alot for these information...

improving our health...

leads us to living a life away from the fear of sickness..

not that a person might never get sick...but he might have better chances than those who don't follow a certain routine in eating or exercising.

وفوووية غير متصل قديم 12-08-2004 , 08:48 PM    الرد مع إقتباس
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