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الأسد الخجول
16-09-2007, 02:50 PM
لنبدأ معآ سلسلة خطابات ومقالأت وكتابات للتقوية في اللغة الأنجليزية. ستحتوي المواضيع ,كما ذكرنا, معلومات عامة وعبارات وكلمات عملية وأيضآ تنوع شامل في علم النحو والصرف الأنجليزي.

أسم الكتاب المستخدم: The Advanced Grammar Book
أسماء المؤلفين: Jocelyn M. Steer & Karen A. Carlisi

June 14, 1985

,Dear Randall

I really miss you! This afternoon while you were probably basking in the San Diego
sun, I was having my interview with the Vice-President of Marketing of Smith
Corporation. Wow, is he ever a hard nut to crack! I’ve met with him three times so
far and I’m having a hard time convincing him that I’m the top-notch candidate for
the job. H’s forever reminding me that I’m too young and inexperienced for this
high-stress position. I’ll be seeing him tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. to go over my
.portfolio. Keep you fingers crossed

That’s enough about my situation out here. What about you? Have you been feeding
the dog? Have you been getting my mail for me? I hope you haven’t been working
.too hard

Randall, I’ve been thinking pretty seriously about your marriage proposal. Don’t you
think that twenty-four is a bit young to go to the altar? Besides, neither of us has a
decent job yet and we should really be off to a good start professionally and
financially before we tie the knot. I’m not saying no, but I guess we just need a little
.more time

See you on Friday. Let’s hope that I’m the new International Marketing Director for
.Smith Corporation by then




الترجمة لبعض العبارات والكلمات التى في النص:-

-- (Basking) : يتشمس .

.The lizard was basking in the heat of the the afternoon sun

-- (Hard nut to crack): عبارة تطلق على شخص من الصعب أقناعه.( كلمة أو عبارة غير رسمية)

.Don't waste your time with them, they are hard nuts to crack

-- (Top notch): صفة تطلق على شخصية مهمة أو ناجحة ومرموقة.

.She is a top notch in business

-- (To go over): يراجع أو ينظر في شي أو أمر معين.

مثال:Government spending has been reviewed to try and reduce

.the buget deficit

-- (Portfolio): عينة عمل إنتاجي / تصميم فني أو هندسي لعمل مهني.

.An investment portfolio

-- (To keep your fingers crossed): لتتمنى أو لترجوا حصول أمر ما. ( كلمة أو عبارة غير رسمية)

We're all keeping our fingers crossed that our soccer team

.will win the match

-- (To go to the altar): لتتزوج. ( كلمة أو عبارة غير رسمية)

.It is too early to go to the altar

-- (To tie the knot): لتتزوج. ( كلمة أو عبارة غير رسمية)

.It is time to tie the knot
