View Full Version : Safety tips

17-07-2007, 05:46 PM
Salaam every body..

In My Company they usually do a safety meeting in the morning. They require me to do present the meeting topics for a whole month. Therefore, until the end of the August I'll be presenting these safety topics. If you have any ideas about safety in the industry or anything related to it , so please let's share it !.

My todrays safety topic was about: Safe Driving...

Tips for Managing Your Driving Time

The world might be in a hurry, but you don’t have to be. Try these tips:

* Allow for plenty of time to get where you’re going, then add no less than 10 extra minutes.

*Always plan your driving time with the slowest scenario in mind: catching every red light, running into traffic, getting caught behind an extremely slow driver, etc.

* If you feel yourself getting in a hurry, stop!

* Call whomever you are going to meet and let them know it’s going to take a little bit more time.

* If you are habitually late and in a hurry, try setting your watch and other clocks ahead by 10 minutes. You'd be surprised: for some people, this works!

17-07-2007, 08:57 PM
hi there,

i'd ask for you, and i will come back here tommorrow to tell you bro., insha AllaH

17-07-2007, 10:51 PM
thank you very much my sister...
I really appreciate your help :)

18-07-2007, 07:12 PM
Any Time Dear, You just ask :)

and this is wha i found for you, and if anyone have more than this , please be

feel free and write, we 'll apreciate your help.

(حماية العمّال مثل: تأمين ملابس واقية وخاصة للعمل بالمصنع
Employee's convoy: like conferring them defensive cloths during factory's works time.
تأمين وحدات مكافحة الحريق
Aggressive fire units
رقابة الكترونية + كاميرات + امن وحراسة
Electronic observation + camera + security

ضبط الضغط في المستودعات وخاصة التي يتم تعبئتها بأحماض أو غازات (رقابة)
Precision the pressure in the warehouses of the factory specially for which stows gases or tartars.
تخزين مواد الخام والمنتجات بحيث تتناسب وطبيعة الصناعة
Store the immature and products with proportion with the nature of factory's activity.

معالجة المخلفات الصناعية ( يوجد منها الضار -> في تلك الحالة يجب أن لا تنعكس على المصنع والمتجمع)
Recycling the industrial sweeping (there is vicious one affect on the factory and the society as well.)

توفير القفازات والأحذية الخاصة للعاملين في المصنع تحميهم من تأثير المواد الحمضية أو الكيميائية على يديهم او ارجلهم
Wearing special shoes and gloves (for employees), which are made for the industrial purposes securing them from the chemical affection on their hands or foots.

تأمين الغذاء: حليب لتعويض العناصر والمعادن المهمة للجسم التي فقدها العامل أثناء عمله بالمصنع
The aliment: employee must drink milk to reimburse miners he has worn out during his work time in the factory.

توعية العاملين في حالة حدوث كارثة في داخل المصنع - التصرف السليم ( حريق- غازات سامة)
Stimulate workers in case of blow happened inside the factory (showing them the right action they should take in case of fire ramping or gas explosion.
(For example: In the case of gas explosion, they have to run against the wind path.)

I've mintioned the saftey tips for chemical factories as an example.

18-07-2007, 07:27 PM
Words can't express how much I am deeply thankful to you um-shahad..
You've mentioned good safety tips… as if you are an old engineer :D

Thank you very much indeed :)

18-07-2007, 08:25 PM
welcome bro.

14-02-2008, 11:09 AM